Friday, February 26, 2010

Free List Building Report

Free report: "The List Building Handbook" li

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Meet the German Shepherd

Meet the German Shepherd

Remember celebrity canine cop Rin Tin Tin, the German shepherd that fought crime in movies and on TV for decades? Dogs of this breed are well suited for police work off screen as well, thanks to their intelligence, fierce loyalty, and keen sense of smell. Search-and-rescue dog and guide dog for the blind and disabled are other positions you may see on a shepherd's resume. They aren't all work and no play, though. When trained and socialized early on in life, they make great pets and get along well with the whole family, including other animals.

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February is National Pet Dental Health Month

Dental disease is very common in dogs and cats.
Tartar buildup is the most common problem. Tartar can lead to gingivitas and root exposure.
Periodontal disease is the most common diagnosed disease affecting 80% of pets.
Symptoms may or may not be evident but can include:
Bad Breath
Yellow brown buildup along the gum line
bleeding gums
oral pain
tooth loss
Whole body effects can result when bacteria enter the blood stream from gums and teeth, leading to heart, liver or kidney problems.
Proper cleaning of the teeth is the first step. This includes Ultrasonic cleaning and scaling of the teeth and polishing.
Animals need to be anesthetized during the procedure so deep cleaning below the gum line can be completed.
Be aware that delaying proper dental care may compromise your pets health.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

House Training A Young Puppy

House training a young puppy is easier to than an older dog. Some excellent things to remember when you want to house train a dog fast include the value of crate training. When the dog has a desire to go to the bathroom, he will make it known by barking while he is in the crate.
You will also know that he probably has to pee when you see him sniffing the crate or walking around in a circle. These are tell tale signs that he needs to go. When you see these things take your dog for a walk outside.

It is vital to bring your dog to the same spot during his walk outside everyday when you see that he has to go to the bathroom. If you make it a point to be home with your dog and be available yourself or have someone that can take your dog outside after its meals, playtime and naps, you will be able to house train a dog fast.

Just remember to be consistent and give positive reinforcement to encourage your dog when he has made the correct choice of going outside. NEVER rub your dogs nose in their mistake when the occasional accident happens. Positive training and paying close attention to your dog will always give the best results.
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Monday, February 8, 2010

Quote for Today

Books about Dogs

Meet The Rottweiler

Full-grown Rottweilers usually weigh around 90–110 pounds. Despite a rough and tough reputation, Rottweilers crave companionship from their owners and can make good family dogs, if well trained. With socialization, they get along well with children, and even cats, but often will remain aggressive toward other dogs. Always consider safety and keep them on leash in public. Positive training a lots of love will make your Rottie your best friend.

books about dogs

Meet The Rottweiler

Full-grown Rottweilers usually weigh around 90–110 pounds. Despite a rough and tough reputation, Rottweilers crave companionship from their owners and can make good family dogs, if well trained. With socialization, they get along well with children, and even cats, but often will remain aggressive toward other dogs. Always consider safety and keep them on leash in public. Positive training a lots of love will make your Rottie your best friend.

books about dogs