Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dog Training Tips

Some new dog owners get a little overwhelmed with dog training. The dog potty training methods are usually the first lessons in dog training. Dog house training hits the top of the list as soon as an "accident" occurs. Then crate training a dog is next due to the potty problem and maybe some problems with chewing or destructive behavior. Which leads us to dog obedience training, which can solve both potty and chewing problems.

Dog leash training is essential so you can control your dog in public places. Using a dog leash to help in obedience training is recommended by every dog trainer I've ever met. Learning how to use a leash to help you in your dog training is very important.

The best dog training tip I ever got was to understand the power of positive
dog training is much more effective than punishment based training. Any
dog training basics should incorporate positive rather than negative

1. Patience and consistency are key elements in any dog training activity.
Dogs are much like people in they have different levels of learning abilities.
Some are fast learners, some need more attention and repetition.

2. Use positive dog training. Positive reinforcement works better than
punishment. Rewarding good behavior will be the most effective tool you
have in training your dog. If a dog is particularly aggressive, you may have
to scold or even use a loud noise to establish unacceptable behavior but use
sparingly or it may have the opposite effect.

3. There are many ways to train a dog successfully. Use what works best for
you and your dog. Always consider the breed (even in a mixed dog), it can be
a big factor in training. Most dogs have natural traits that can be used to
your advantage, or work against you.

4. Behavior problems are usually acquired. Don't ignore any behavior
problems, even when you're working with a young puppy. Most bad habits
can be stopped in their tracks with a little foresight and planning. You can't
start dog behavior training too early.

5. Try to make any training session fun for you and your dog. Reserve a time
each day to spend time training your dog. Keep the training session short,
maybe 20-30 minutes. Pick a time when the dog has calmed down and is
receptive to the lessons.

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