Friday, July 3, 2009

How To House Train A Dog FAST!

How to house train a dog a fast is simple if you have a plan to follow. If you are in the market for a dog, make it a point to buy one that is less than one month old. The reason for this is that just as it is not easy to teach an old dog new tricks, it is not easy to teach an older dogs new bathroom habits. When you purchase a dog less who is less than 4 weeks old, that dog will be more like a sponge who will absorb the proper training habits that you are giving to him.

Some excellent things to remember when you want to house train a dog fast include the value of crate training: When the dog has a desire to go to the bathroom, much like a crying baby who needs milk he will make it known by barking while he is in the crate. You will also know that he probably has to pee when you see him sniffing the crate or walking around in a circle. These are tell tale signs that he needs to go. When you see these things take your dog for a walk outside. It is vital to bring your dog to the same spot during his walk outside everyday when you see that he has to go to the bathroom. If you make it a point to be home with your dog and be available yourself or have someone that can take your dog outside after its meals, playtime and naps, you will be able to house train a dog fast. Just remember to be consistent and encourage your dog verbally when he has made the correct choice of going outside.

How to house train a dog can be challenging, remember that with the proper training this problem can be easily overcome. How to house train a dog can be easy with the right training!

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