Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Somethings That Point To Arthritis In Your Dog!

I just come back from the vet today and found one of my dog has arthritis. Although she is 15 years old, the vet stated that it, like any disease can occur at any age.

The symptoms appear to be mild and we are trying aspirin for now. Some of the symptoms are:

Difficulty jumping into the car and onto the bed
A slight limp in the back leg

She still tries to act like a puppy and enjoys wading in the cool streams we have around here. We are trying aspirins for now as this may be the safest approach for her age.

Alway check with your veterinarian before giving your dog any medication.

Let us know about your dog

1 comment:

  1. I have a Shepherd/Huskie dog that is 13 years old. She started to limp and had a hard time getting up. We tried glucosamine/condroitin pills that seemed to help but they were very expensive. Then we found Healthy Treats for Dogs brand Hip and Joint chews. They sell them at Walmart for only 2.40 a bag! It's like a miracle. The dog no longer limps or has any trouble getting up, running upstairs etc.. They have glucosamine/condroitin and the dog loves the taste. One time I ran out of the chews once and the dog was like a 90 year old again. As soon as we got her the chews she was like a kid again. I buy 3 bags at a time now!


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